Thursday, March 31, 2005

Today is the third anniversary of this blog. The very first post went up on March 31, 2002:

Greetings on a rainy Easter morning. This site will contain periodic comments on things that interest me. I am a full-time prosecuting attorney in a small town in the Shenandoah valley of Virginia. I am also a part-time sheep farmer, living on property that has been in my wife's family for the past hundred years. The intersection of those two lives will provide most of the material for these posts. In addition to the weekly farm report, there will also be comments on books, music, movies, politics and religion. As to the last, I am a convert to Orthodox Christianity. Periodically I may try to share some of the wealth of that tradition. By doing this, I make no claims to special insight or sanctity. In describing my own spiritual condition, I can do no better than the little girl in Flannery O'Connor's story "Temple of the Holy Ghost"; "She could never be a saint, but she thought she could be a martyr if they killed her quick."

Most of that is still true, except that I am now an attorney in private practice, occasionally showing up on the other side of the Courtroom from my former colleagues in the Commonwealth's Attorney's office. And I would still put better odds on getting through a quick martyrdom than the slow slog to sainthood.


Rambling Rose Cottage said...

I stumbled upon your blog. Very interesting. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Happy Blogobirthday. Here's to many more.

Anonymous said...

i like the O'Connor quote! i have not heard it before.