Saturday, January 01, 2005

"So I wrote you a long letter. . .
I filled it up with love from start to end.
You have always deserved so much better,
so it's a letter I could never send."

Bill Mallonee
"Long Letter"
"Dear Life" Outtakes

I am usually not one who makes New Year's Resolutions, so it is with some trepidation that I announce my intention to post at least once each day for the coming year. 2004 was a Dickensian year in that it could best be described in that famous opening from A Tale of Two Cities; "It was the best of times, it was the worst of times." There was so much that needed saying that the accumulated weight left me all but speechless. A quick look back shows that this blog was silent three hundred thirty one days out of three hundred sixty six last year. I resolve to do better and commit to leaving no trivial opinion or observation unrecorded if needed to fill space. Perhaps a little depth may come out of the increased volume.

Over the last couple of years Gideon Strauss has been propagating an exercise whereby people list fifty things they love. I propose to give it a try. Since I need material, I intend to drag it out one item a day over the next fifty days, in no particular order, with a little commentary for each item. For those few of you still checking in, thanks for dropping by and I'll see you in the morning.


Anonymous said...

I resolve to do better and commit to leaving no trivial opinion or observation unrecorded if needed to fill space. Perhaps a little depth may come out of the increased volume.LOL - OTOH, there's the motto of the great mathematician (perhaps, with Archimedes and Newton, one of the greatest mathematicians of all time) Carl Friedrich Gauss: "Few, but ripe" (though Gauss, of course, would have said it in German - or Latin, more likely). The photos are nice, too, even as 'filler' - the Blue Ridge is a beautiful part of Virginia, but one I seldom see.

- Jeff Beranek

John S. Bell said...

Thank you for the kind words! I think that Gauss' words are wise, but I hope to rely on the adage that "Quantity has a quality all its own."